Monday, April 16, 2012

Yarn Bombing Willie Mays

I was in San Francisco for the weekend. I documented this, thinking of the class.

(Click for larger image.)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Linking acts!

I found this work done by artist Sonja Hinrichsen on and remembered one of the snow projects done by a student in class. I thought I would post the image taken from above so that everyone could see but another example of snow art.  Inhabitat, if it hasn't been mentioned in class is a great site which presents much of what we have seen in terms of alternative locations for art that does not harm the environment but in contrast compliments it.  I recommend checking it out!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Art in Snow and Ice

Andy Goldsworthy
Some examples of artists working with snow and ice.  Most well known likely is Andy Goldsworthy nearly all his work takes place in natural settings.  Click on the image to link to a page of his work dealing with "snow".

The Stellar Axis Art Project in Antartica:

Link to the the International Polar Foundation website through the image (I believe they sponsored the project).

Link to the Stellar Axis Project website here:

And finally the work of Jim Denevan: